your Vote, Your Prerogative

  • It's going to take big & bold ideas to shape our future in the dynamic landscape of the 21st century. Just like our visionary forefathers, we must consistently look ahead and envision a tomorrow that is distinctively different, brimming with progress and prosperity. While Austin serves as a hub of innovation and creativity, we cannot solely rely on the efforts of one city. Therefore, once again, I earnestly urge you to join me in dreaming big, for it is the catalyst that has the power to spark momentous change. Sometimes, it's astonishing how the mere act of presenting a well-thought-out proposition to the right individuals can ignite action, propelling them to embrace what might initially seem like a common-sense notion. Together, let's unleash our imaginations, and through unwavering determination and collaboration, strive for a brighter tomorrow for all.

The right words, in the right ears, at the right time, can change the world!

Domestic Policy:

Austin prioritizes domestic policy over flashy foreign policy, aiming to solve issues impacting our communities like healthcare, education, and the economy. Their principled approach ensures the interests of Minnesota District 6 constituents are at the forefront, bringing positive and lasting change.

  • The latest data from the U.S. census in 2022 reveals a deeply concerning trend: an increase in the number of Americans living in poverty. The poverty rate has risen to 12.4% from 7.4% the previous year, a significant jump that calls for urgent attention. This rise in poverty not only affects individuals, but it also impacts families who are struggling to make ends meet. The most alarming aspect is the surge in child poverty, which has soared from 5.2% to 12.4%. These statistics demand a swift and compassionate response to address the needs of those who are most vulnerable in our society.To understand the gravity of the situation, it is important to recognize the current poverty threshold. Individuals must make do with an annual income of $13,590 or less, while a family of three, for example, must manage on $23,030 or less. These income levels are simply not sufficient to cover the basic expenses required to lead a decent life. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that we extend our support and provide the necessary resources to relieve the burdens placed upon those living in poverty. By prioritizing the issue of poverty, we can implement initiatives that foster socioeconomic growth, ultimately leading to a fairer and more inclusive society for everyone.While the overall state of the economy may seem robust on the surface, beneath this façade, many individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of financial struggle. Despite the success of large corporations, the unfortunate reality is that they often take advantage of vulnerable individuals, thus driving up the prices of essential goods and services. It becomes increasingly clear that these corporations are solely focused on maximizing their profit margins, often at the expense of the average citizen's well-being. As a result, it is absolutely imperative for us to not only establish but also enforce stronger laws that specifically target monopolies and conglomerates. All we have to do is take a closer look to see how allowing one company to hold control over every aspect of our lives perpetuates harmful practices that detrimentally impact our society as a whole. The time has come for us to take immediate action and rectify this unjust situation. By addressing poverty and implementing measures to combat unfair control of the economy, we can foster a society that not only thrives but also cherishes the well-being of all its citizens. Let us stand united in our commitment to creating an equitable and prosperous future for everyone.

  • Politicians often accept big donations to influence policy, but we must end this. Only individuals should be able to donate money. If politicians need funds, they should ask the public for help. Government corruption threatens our democracy. It infects our systems and destroys trust. To combat this, we must act. One crucial step is to give more money to watchdog groups that monitor officials' actions and expose any illegal activities. These groups hold those in power accountable and can be more effective in fighting corruption with more resources. We should also strengthen enforcement at the Department of Justice and local levels. By providing more resources, we empower them to investigate, prosecute, and punish corrupt individuals. This shows that corruption will not be tolerated, and everyone must follow the law. But just reinforcing existing laws is not enough. We must also create new, comprehensive laws that can adapt to new corrupt tactics. This proactive approach makes it harder for corrupt individuals to exploit loopholes. To restore faith in our government, promote transparency, and ensure accountability, we must directly confront government corruption. In summary, by giving more money to watchdog groups, strengthening enforcement, and creating new laws, we can address this harmful problem and protect the integrity of our democracy.

  • Since about December 11th I have been under almost constant assault on-line, State sponsored cyber-attacks. Witch state is unclear. but regardless of how scary and fun it was all at the same time, it has been one of the most fascinating experiences of my life. At one point I walked outside and threw up from the stress, which was a new experience for me.
    But in the end, it made me better, so I am grateful for the difficulty the cyber attack forced me to build my “Ground Game” witch at the end of the day is what I will need to win the election. But in all reality, I did not want to wright about the attacks and how annoying they were. I could spend the rest of this article crying about how we need to do something, but I would rather tell you about the idea I had to deal with the problem.
    If America was to institute a new organization the ACD, The American Cyber Defense. This organization could act like the FBI investigating crimes that occur in the on-line realm, taking a bit of the work off the FBI; allowing them to focus on crime in the physical world. If the ACD where developed properly it could not only act as an investigator, but as well it could act in the defense of and for the Offence of America in cyber operations.
    So, who has the skills we would need to form such an organization? Well, the Hacker of Corse! You don’t jail someone with the skill set to break into your most secure systems, that’s just short sighted. Instead, we should higher the hacker with the skills to brake into our secured infrastructure to defend us. See hackers come in a variety of flavors. most just get board and like looking at stuff they shouldn’t, this Camp I like to call gray hats. The next camp I refer to as white hats they pass time by finding flaws in code and then selling the information back to the company to help improve their security. Then there are the black hats, they like to steal information, Attack, and just cause all-around havoc.
    The world has grown smaller, with the advent of the internet, but we have also allowed the cyber world to go WILD. Everything from individual acters attempting to scam or steal your personal Data to entire hacking enterprise that are paid for by rival governments, cyber war has become a problem; me and you are just the collateral damage.

    Fortunately, we have the ability to put new cops on the beat, I got cops on my block to keep me safe. Seems to me we could use some cops up on the internet keeping me safe.

  • Austin is always putting the needs and concerns of the residents of District 6 at the forefront of his priorities. He will tirelessly work to ensure that their voices are heard and their issues are addressed. I have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the community, I am a devoted advocate for Minnesota District 6 constituents and their rights. Strong commitment and unwavering dedication make me the perfect candidate for District 6, I am committed to representing and striving to serve all constituents in my district, regardless of their political leanings. It is essential to me that every individual's voice is heard and respected, as I firmly believe that diversity of ideas and opinions is what fuels progress and strengthens our democracy. I commit to a cooperative atmosphere where everyone feels important and supported. By setting aside differences, I aim for a better future for all in our area. I thinks it's important for people to get involved and speak up about what they want.

  • Farming is on the brink of a major transformation that will reshape the agricultural landscape in the years to come. The rise of underground farming is set to revolutionize food production, offering us the ability to cultivate crops all year round, regardless of the prevailing climate. Underground farming has the potential to help solve global hunger. It can produce a lot of food and help people who don't have enough to eat. By using advanced technology and sustainable practices, underground farming can grow crops in controlled environments, so they grow well. This method is not affected by things like bad weather or not enough land. It also doesn't need a lot of pesticides or herbicides, so the food is healthier and more sustainable. Underground farming could change how we grow food and make it more secure for the future. I believe in the potential of underground farming. I am committed to advocating for this cause in Congress and securing funding for family farmers who are using this innovative approach. My goal is to empower them with the resources they need to improve their family farms, ensuring a sustainable and profitable future. By implementing strategic policies and providing adequate support, we can not only preserve but also enhance the vital role of family farms in our economy for generations to come. It is imperative that we recognize the significant contributions made by these farms and take proactive measures to ensure their sustainability and prosperity. By fostering innovation, encouraging sustainable practices, and promoting access to resources, we can empower family farms to thrive amidst evolving economic challenges. Their resilience and dedication deserve our unwavering commitment as we strive to build a stronger, more resilient economy that benefits us all. Together, let us forge a path towards a brighter future, where family farms continue to be the backbone of our agricultural landscape, fueling growth, and fostering a sense of community pride.
    This groundbreaking innovation holds tremendous promise, not only for our planet but also for our future ventures beyond Earth's boundaries. As we contemplate establishing colonies on the moon and other celestial bodies, mastering the art of underground crop cultivation becomes indispensable. With the ever-increasing population and the challenges of climate change, finding sustainable solutions to feed our growing world is paramount. This innovative technique of underground crop cultivation not only maximizes the use of limited space but also protects crops from harsh environmental conditions, ensuring a steady food supply for future generations. By harnessing the power of technology and science, we can pave the way for a future where food scarcity becomes a thing of the past, allowing us to explore new frontiers and expand our horizons. Together, let's embrace this transformative opportunity and work towards a future where our planet and future generations thrive.

  • Geothermal power is not only a valuable solution but a crucial one in the fight against climate change. To effectively tackle this global crisis, we need to act boldly and urgently by constructing a large-scale geothermal power plant in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park. With a capacity to generate up to 5 gigawatts of clean, renewable energy, this plant would not only contribute significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also grant us greater energy independence.Harnessing the potential of geothermal energy would revolutionize our energy landscape. By replacing harmful coal and nuclear power, this natural and sustainable energy source would significantly reduce our carbon footprint, safeguarding the environment and mitigating the impacts of climate change. As a result, our nation would take a vital step forward in ensuring a cleaner and greener future for generations to come.Moreover, the construction of this geothermal power plant would yield numerous benefits for our local communities. By generating substantial job opportunities, it would inject a boost into our economy, stimulating growth and prosperity. Simultaneously, the power plant would enhance and modernize our electrical grid, creating a more robust and resilient infrastructure capable of withstanding the challenges posed by climate-related disasters and unforeseen circumstances.The urgent need to combat climate change and strengthen our energy infrastructure has made the construction of a large geothermal power plant near Yellowstone an imperative endeavor. This strategic step is vital not only for the well-being of our environment but also for the prosperity of our communities and the long-term sustainability of our nation. By harnessing the power of geothermal energy, we can take decisive action towards a sustainable future, ensuring that our planet thrives for generations to come.

  • We must protect women's reproductive rights across the country. The 28th constitutional amendment would let women decide what happens to their own bodies and make sure they can access safe and affordable healthcare. This amendment is crucial to guaranteeing that all women, no matter where they live or how much money they have, can choose what's best for them. By making this amendment a priority, we show that we care about women's health, rights, and dignity. It's our duty to fight for equality and protect everyone's well-being. Passing the 28th constitutional amendment would be a big step forward. Together, we can create a fair society that respects women's rights and gives them the freedom and control they deserve. We can effectively protect women's reproductive rights and empower them to make informed healthcare decisions that align with their unique circumstances and needs. Additionally, this crucial amendment will play a vital and transformative role in effectively addressing the alarming issue of maternal mortality that has persistently plagued our society. With the implementation of this amendment, we can proactively allocate resources to enhance healthcare services for expectant mothers, ensuring that they receive the necessary medical attention, support, and education to prevent tragic outcomes and safeguard their well-being. By prioritizing maternal health and well-being, we have the opportunity to create a more equitable and compassionate society, where no woman is left behind and every mother has the proper care she deserves. Startlingly, recent data reveals that the maternal mortality rate in 2021 reached 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, surpassing previous years' figures. Such a distressing trend demands immediate action, prompting us to stand firm and advocate for the passage of the 28th constitutional amendment. Let's strive for a future where all women have control over their bodies and we greatly decrease and prevent maternal deaths.

  • Border security is a critical issue that cannot be effectively addressed by combining it with immigration. Austin firmly believes that treating these matters separately is the key to finding sustainable solutions. To ensure the safety of our nation, Austin believes that the Army Corps of Engineers plays a vital role in creating a strong plan to protect our borders. Austin wants to involve the Army Corps of Engineers in making a detailed blueprint that keeps our nation safe and secure. This plan would not only improve border protection but also tackle the different challenges we face. By using the unique skills of the Army Corps of Engineers, Austin aims to build a strong defense system that keeps our borders secure and shows our dedication to national security. In this technologically advanced era, relying solely on a wall for national security seems outdated. Instead, we should explore more innovative approaches, such as implementing advanced military-grade technology used to safeguard our most top-secret facilities. It's crucial to acknowledge that having enough money, clear rules, updated immigration laws, and a strong ICE presence are essential in dealing with this matter effectively. Austin firmly believes that tackling border security requires a holistic, collaborative effort from all branches of government, rather than relying solely on one branch to make a difference. By adopting this comprehensive, whole-of-government approach, we can ensure the safety and security of our borders while upholding the values that make our nation strong.

  • "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”

    when did these word stop meaning anything to us?

    In the 21st century, we need more workers with knowledge and physical skills as older people retire. We should welcome those who come seeking a better life, but we must have effective rules to control immigration. Proper screening processes and controls are necessary to ensure organized and manageable immigration. Allowing people to travel within our country can help them find their place in society. Congress must update our immigration laws, which haven't changed since the 1990s, to attract skilled individuals worldwide. Diversity and immigrant contributions fuel our country's power and progress.

    In a significant milestone, the southern border of the United States witnessed an unprecedented number of 2.47 million migrant encounters during the fiscal year 2023, shattering previous records. This surge in numbers has put a spotlight on the urgent need for comprehensive immigration reform. Notably, the Tucson sector, once again, took the lead among all other regions for the third consecutive month, highlighting the growing challenges faced by border patrol agents in that particular area.The implications of immigration on America's long-term success cannot be underestimated. While many may consider it primarily the responsibility of the White House, the truth is that Congress holds the reins of power. The laws passed by Congress dictate the actions and policies implemented by the White House, making it imperative for Congress to address this critical issue adequately. Unfortunately, the last comprehensive immigration policy was established in the 1990s, leaving our immigration system outdated and ill-equipped to handle the current needs of our nation.It is undeniably imperative for us to modernize our immigration system to align with the realities and demands of the present. The good news is that this is a solvable problem, but it requires more than mere complaints. It is high time for Congress to rise to the occasion and fulfill its duty to enact meaningful immigration reform that will pave the way for a more efficient and effective system.One aspect that demands attention is the overuse of the asylum process as a means of immigration. While seeking asylum is a right protected by international law, it has become evident that relying solely on this process is not only ineffective but also tremendously time-consuming. With a strict timeline of 180 days, many individuals find themselves waiting for several months, or in some cases, even over a year to receive a decision regarding their asylum application. These prolonged delays not only cause unnecessary suffering but also burden the already overwhelmed immigration agencies and court systems.It is important to note that there are two distinct paths available for individuals to claim asylum in the United States. The affirmative asylum process is designed for those who are not currently in removal proceedings, giving them an opportunity to assert their claim without the imminent threat of deportation. On the other hand, the defensive asylum process is intended for individuals who are currently in removal proceedings, allowing them to seek protection from persecution as a last resort. Both processes suffer from substantial backlogs and delays, highlighting the urgent need for reform.To address this issue effectively, policymakers must introduce measures that expedite the asylum process while maintaining its integrity. This could involve increasing resources for immigration courts, hiring more judges and staff, and streamlining the application review process. Additionally, exploring alternative methods of protection, such as expanding the use of temporary protected status or creating new visa categories, could provide alternatives for individuals fleeing persecution and alleviate some of the strain on the asylum system.The time for action is now. Congress must prioritize immigration reform and work collaboratively to find practical solutions that uphold the principles of fairness, justice, and security. By doing so, we can modernize our immigration system, provide timely and fair decisions for asylum seekers, and ensure a more efficient and effective process for all involved. Our nation's success depends on it.

  • I always work with strong determination to address the urgent problem we face as a nation - the disconnect between Congress and the American people. In this changing political landscape, where the concerns of hardworking Americans often go unnoticed, it is crucial that we bridge this gap in communication. By having open and honest conversations, listening to our constituents, and finding new ways to communicate, we can ensure that the interests of the American people are a priority. Together, we must build a stronger democracy where every citizen feels heard, valued, and empowered to shape the policies that affect their lives. Just talking about this issue isn't enough; we need to take action. Fortunately, with today's advanced technology, we have the means to bridge the gap and ensure that the people's voices are heard. By providing enough money and careful planning, Congress can create a state-of-the-art mobile app. This app will be a direct platform for communication, allowing individuals to connect with their government representatives. By using technology, the app will let people express concerns, share ideas, and get answers from elected officials. The app will be easy to use and promote transparency and accountability, aligning with the democratic principles our nation is built on. Through this app, we can strengthen the connection between the people and their representatives, giving citizens more power in shaping a responsive and inclusive government. The app helps people have a say in government decisions, bringing back important representation in Congress.

  • Medical care should be free and accessible to all, which is why the United States National Health Care Act is something that is near and dear to my heart. This act seeks to establish a universal single-payer national health insurance system in the United States, similar to Canada's Medicare and Taiwan's Bureau of National Health Insurance. Under this system, the federal government would cover most medical expenses, eliminating the need for private health insurance and premiums. Private insurers would then only provide supplementary coverage for non-essential care. The funding for this national system would come from taxes, replacing insurance premiums, and would also be supported by savings from providing universal preventive health care and eliminating insurance company overhead and hospital billing costs. This issue hits close to home for me—I recently experienced a testicular cancer scare that cost me $826 due to a lack of health insurance upon moving back to Minnesota. Despite my efforts to apply for coverage, I was denied, and a doctor's office in Monticello, MN, refused to see me because of an outstanding $120 debt from before 2018. I know many others facing similar struggles, unable to afford health care due to income levels that make them ineligible for assistance yet insufficient to afford it outright, with their jobs also failing to provide adequate coverage. This is why advocating for comprehensive healthcare reform is one of my top priorities as a candidate.

  • As a contender for U.S. Representative for Minnesota District 6, my commitment to strengthening the education system is unwavering. I advocate for guaranteeing tuition and debt-free access to public colleges, universities, HBCUs, Minority Serving Institutions, and trade schools for all individuals. This includes the ambitious move to cancel all student loan debt, which burdens around 45 million Americans and amounts to a staggering $1.6 trillion. In addition, I aim to implement a cap on student loan interest rates at a minimal 1.88 percent. Furthermore, I propose a yearly investment of $1.3 billion in private, non-profit historically black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions. A critical part of my plan is to address equity gaps in higher education attainment and ensure that students can afford non-tuition costs associated with attending school. This encompasses expanding Pell Grants to cover non-tuition and fee costs, tripling funding for the Work-Study Program, and enacting additional supportive measures. The current student debt panorama is distressing, with 45 million Americans grappling with $1.6 trillion in loans. The average graduate owes $30,000, and alarmingly, 1 in 6 individuals owe over $50,000. More than half of students do not complete their college education, yet they depart with substantial debt. Moreover, a concerning 40% contemplate dropping out to evade accruing more debt. It's essential to recognize that this issue extends beyond the younger population, as 3 million older Americans are also burdened by student loan debt. Women in particular bear a heavy load, holding nearly $929 billion of U.S. student debt as of 2019. The hurdles are disproportionately higher for minority groups, with one-third of Latino students dropping out before completing their degrees compared to one-fourth of white students. Additionally, data from 2003-2004 illustrates that 35% of Latino borrowers defaulted on loans, in stark contrast to the 20% default rate among white borrowers. Black students face formidable challenges as well, grappling with higher debt and enduring prolonged repayment periods due to income disparities. My objective is to curtail the wealth gap for young African Americans from 12:1 to 5:1 and ultimately eradicate all student debt. It's imperative to highlight that seventy-three percent of student debt cancellation is advantageous to the bottom 80% of the populace, thus underlining the substantial impact on individuals across various socio-economic strata. In stark contrast, the effects of Trump's tax cuts were highly skewed, with 83% of the benefits accruing to the top 1%. Redirecting these resources to obliterate student debt would catalyze a substantial economic surge of $1 trillion and generate 1.5 million jobs annually. Notably, cancelling debt yields an annual savings of $3,000 per borrower, fostering increased consumer spending and subsequently invigorating the economy.

  • Legalizing marijuana has several economic advantages that extend beyond the immediate benefits of saving money currently spent on enforcing federal marijuana laws, which tallies up to around $3.6 billion per year. By embracing the legalization of this substance, we can revitalize our approach to resource allocation, allowing for a more efficient use of our limited funds. These redirected funds could then be channeled towards pressing societal priorities, such as education and healthcare, so enabling a significant bolstering of these vital sectors.
    Moreover, a compelling study conducted in Nevada shed light on another favorable economic aspect of marijuana legalization. The findings revealed that the legalization of marijuana has the potential to create over 41,000 robust job opportunities and generate an astonishing income surpassing $1.7 billion. This newfound income not only injects vitality into local economies, but also paves the way for reinvestment in crucial public services and infrastructure projects, ensuring the betterment of communities.
    Evidence of the economic prosperity that goes with marijuana legalization is exemplified through the flourishing sales in Colorado and Washington. These two states have seen staggering growth in tax revenues, far exceeding initial expectations. In 2021, Washington experienced a remarkable surge in marijuana revenue, collecting an impressive $559.5 million, a substantial increase of over $85 million compared to the previous year. Similarly, Colorado recorded a significant boom in marijuana tax revenue, raking in a remarkable $423 million in 2021, marking a 10% increase from the previous year.
    The continuous success enjoyed by Colorado and Washington serves as a powerful testament to the economic viability of legalizing marijuana. This notable source of tax revenue can be strategically distributed to fund various public services and infrastructure projects, fostering an environment of progress and prosperity. By embracing this opportunity for economic growth, we not only contribute to the thriving state of our local economies, but also pave the way to a brighter future for our constituents.

    Should marijuana become legal on a federal level, the potential benefits to the economy could be truly outstanding. According to a report from cannabis analytics company New Frontier, the impact of federally legal pot could result in an astounding $105.6 billion in added federal tax revenue by the year 2025 alone. This staggering figure proves that the economic advantages of legalizing marijuana go far beyond the surface, reaching into the realm of unprecedented financial growth for our nation. Embracing this opportunity has the potential to ignite a new era of economic prosperity that could help countless industries and individuals alike. With such promising financial projections, it is essential that we seriously consider the positive impact of legalizing marijuana at the federal level and take decisive action to ensure we seize this remarkable potential for our economy.

  • The war on drugs has undeniably proven to be a failure in our society. Instead of solely focusing on penalizing individuals for the mere possession of drugs, we need to focus on mandatory rehab for people caught with illegal drugs. Rather than merely punishing individuals, we should aim to address the underlying issues related to substance abuse by providing access to effective treatment and support systems. By shifting our focus from punishment to rehabilitation, we can strive towards a society that not only promotes justice but also prioritizes the recovery and well-being of those struggling with addiction. While criminal actions under the influence still result in jail time, we should consider that simply having drugs unfairly affects many law-abiding citizens. Outdated drug policies unfairly punish individuals for possessing substances without causing harm or posing a threat. These punishments create a cycle of injustice and divert resources from addressing more important issues like violent crime and public safety. We need to change how we deal with drug possession. Instead of punishing people, let's focus on educating, preventing, and treating addiction. This will help people recover, ease pressure on the criminal justice system, and build a better community for all. By prioritizing rehabilitation over punishment for drug users, we can work towards creating a more compassionate and effective system that not only addresses the underlying issues of addiction but also provides the necessary support for individuals to rebuild their lives. With a focus on rehabilitating rather than punishing, we can offer comprehensive treatment options, counseling services, and job training programs to empower those struggling with addiction to overcome their challenges and become valuable members of society once again. This approach recognizes that addiction is a complex issue, often rooted in trauma or mental health disorders, and it requires a holistic approach that encompasses not just punitive measures, but also support and resources for long-term recovery and successful reintegration into our communities. By investing in rehabilitation programs, we can break the cycle of addiction, reduce recidivism rates, and create safer and healthier communities for all.

  • I strongly believe in protecting the second amendment rights of American citizens, as it is a fundamental aspect of our democracy. However, it is essential to keep in mind that rights also come with responsibilities. While I firmly support individuals' freedom to own handguns, shot guns and hunting rifles, it is crucial to establish some limits that prioritize public safety. One effective measure to ensure such safety is by placing restrictions on access to assault rifles. These types of firearms pose a significant risk and can end up in the wrong hands, potentially leading to devastating consequences. By finding a thoughtful balance between individual freedom and public safety, we can prevent tragedies without infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens. After all, the main goal is to protect innocent lives and uphold the principles of the second amendment. However, my belief in responsible gun ownership also extends to recognizing the needs of those in professions dedicated to the protection of our nation. Members of the U.S. armed forces, state militia, and law enforcement undergo extensive training and make great personal sacrifices to safeguard our country. It is crucial that we provide them with the necessary tools and equipment to effectively carry out their duties. Thus, I do advocate for granting these dedicated individuals the privilege to possess and store assault rifles safely in their homes. This approach not only respects their service and commitment to our communities but also ensures that they are adequately equipped to promote the overall safety and security of our nation. By upholding responsible gun ownership and extending certain privileges to those who have undergone rigorous training, we can strike a balance between protecting our constitutional rights and prioritizing public safety. It is through this approach that we can foster a safer environment for all citizens while respecting the rights and responsibilities that come with the ownership of firearms.

  • While the ongoing debate regarding the reasons and mechanisms behind climate change continues, one irrefutable fact remains: climate change is undeniably a reality. Personally, I am inclined to believe that human activities have significantly contributed to its exacerbation. Regardless of our diverse viewpoints, I think we're heading towards an event like "The great dying." This event was a mass extinction that happened in the Permian age. We don't know exactly what is causing it, but scientists believe it's because of huge volcanic eruptions that made the Siberian Traps. These eruptions released a lot of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, which caused bad things to happen to the environment like too much acid in the oceans and really hot temperatures worldwide.In this ever-changing world, it's clear that we need to act now to address the big challenges ahead. We must use our wisdom and creativity to find sustainable solutions that protect our environment. We all have a responsibility to come together, regardless of our differences, and work towards a greener and fairer future. By supporting innovation, advocating for effective policies, and getting involved at the grassroots level, we can preserve our natural resources, fight climate change, and create a brighter future for everyone. It will take effort and commitment, but together we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations. The future is not only about us but most crucially about the generations to come, our children, who will inherit the consequences of our actions. As inhabitants of this planet, we possess an extraordinary power—the power to alter the trajectory of our world should we choose to embrace it. We have the capacity to effect positive change, to shape a future that ensures the preservation of our environment and the well-being of all living beings. It is a responsibility that lies squarely on our shoulders, and we must rise to the occasion, for the sake of our children and for the sake of our planet.

  • Geothermal power is not only a valuable solution but a crucial one in the fight against climate change. To effectively tackle this global crisis, we need to act boldly and urgently by constructing a large-scale geothermal power plant in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park. With a capacity to generate up to 5 gigawatts of clean, renewable energy, this plant would not only contribute significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also grant us greater energy independence.Harnessing the potential of geothermal energy would revolutionize our energy landscape. By replacing harmful coal and nuclear power, this natural and sustainable energy source would significantly reduce our carbon footprint, safeguarding the environment and mitigating the impacts of climate change. As a result, our nation would take a vital step forward in ensuring a cleaner and greener future for generations to come.Moreover, the construction of this geothermal power plant would yield numerous benefits for our local communities. By generating substantial job opportunities, it would inject a boost into our economy, stimulating growth and prosperity. Simultaneously, the power plant would enhance and modernize our electrical grid, creating a more robust and resilient infrastructure capable of withstanding the challenges posed by climate-related disasters and unforeseen circumstances.The urgent need to combat climate change and strengthen our energy infrastructure has made the construction of a large geothermal power plant near Yellowstone an imperative endeavor. This strategic step is vital not only for the well-being of our environment but also for the prosperity of our communities and the long-term sustainability of our nation. By harnessing the power of geothermal energy, we can take decisive action towards a sustainable future, ensuring that our planet thrives for generations to come.

  • Tiny houses for temporary use could be constructed in areas with a high homeless population, providing them with a safe and stable place to live as they work towards getting their lives back on track. These tiny houses, similar in size to a studio apartment, offer individuals a sense of dignity and autonomy, giving them the space, they need to rebuild their lives. By creating these temporary housing solutions, we can help facilitate individuals' journey towards permanent housing while also addressing the immediate need for shelter. This approach recognizes the importance of stable housing in restoring a person's confidence and enabling them to focus on other areas of their life, such as finding employment or accessing necessary healthcare services. Offering these tiny houses in areas with high homeless populations ensures that those who need it most have access to this vital support system, helping them to build a foundation for a brighter future.

  • Public showers can be a vital resource for individuals experiencing homelessness, as they face one of the biggest challenges in getting off the street: maintaining basic hygiene. By incorporating public showers into rest stops, we not only provide a convenient location for individuals to access clean showers, but we also address the need to spread such facilities around large population centers. These showers can serve as a beacon of hope, offering a sense of dignity and cleanliness to those who are in desperate need of it. Moreover, by implementing this approach, we recognize the importance of holistic support for those experiencing homelessness, acknowledging that access to basic hygiene facilities can make a significant difference in their lives.

  • • Promote the division between religious institutions and the government.
    • Develop an immigration strategy that values respect and inclusiveness.
    • Invest in local communities to encourage home ownership and support small businesses.
    • Extend small business assistance programs to a wider range of individuals.
    • Allocate funds to economically struggling rural areas. Ensure responsible usage of development funds.
    • Advocate for affordable housing in Minnesota and the United States.
    • Maintain funding for Ukraine.
    • Social security and Medicare protections: Ensuring the safety and support of retirement and healthcare programs.
    • Protection and expiation of retirement programs: Safeguarding and improving retirement plans.
    • Balanced budget reducing the national debt: Establishing a balanced budget to decrease the country's debt.
    • Progressive tax structure: Implementing a tax system that is fair and equitable for all income levels.
    • Lower tax bracket for lower and rural areas: Lowering taxes for individuals in lower-income and rural communities.
    • Protecting and expanding veteran benefits: Ensuring the protection and enhancement of benefits for veterans.
    • Providing benefits to states militia: Offering benefits to state military forces.
    • Ensure corporations are held responsible.
    • Support business investments in American development.
    • Enforce fair rules for pay, safety, and work conditions.
    • Offer free education to the public.
    • Increase funding for schools and colleges.
    • Raise standards and pay for teachers.
    • Secure rights and equality for LGBTQ+ people.

foreign policy:

A cautious, diplomatic approach to international affairs is crucial. Instead of dominating, we should support and collaborate with other nations. This will allow us to focus on our own challenges like economic disparities and Abortion rights. Leading by example, we can inspire progress and promote global stability. Let's build a stronger nation while offering support to others.

  • The United States has always been a staunch advocate for promoting freedom and democracy both at home and abroad. As a nation, we have provided unwavering support to those who fight for their rights and strive to establish democratic systems in their own countries. we have extended a helping hand to millions of individuals who have been displaced by conflict or natural disasters, offering them refuge and assistance.It is important to recognize that our country has been greatly involved in recent years. We have worked hard to protect global security and fight terrorism. This has had a big impact on the lives of our loved ones in the military. The effects of conflicts in the Middle East remind us of how connected our world is. It is now more crucial than ever for us to unite, overcome disagreements, and work towards peace and prosperity for all Americans. While America undoubtedly has a vital role to play on the world stage, I believe we must approach it with a more measured approach. Rather than assuming the role of the world's police, we should focus on supporting regional governmental organizations, placing greater importance on the decisions made by the United Nations and the international criminal court. By empowering capable individuals and providing them with the necessary resources, we can foster self-sufficiency, allowing nations to address their own problems and find sustainable solutions. This reminds me of the age-old saying: "Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime." It is this guiding principle that should shape America's role in the world.

  • The two-state solution is fundamentally flawed, Aswell it could never foresee the current situation in the middle east. The two-state solution suggests creating separate nations (Israel for Jews and Palestine for Palestinians) to help solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This plan aims to give both groups self-rule and security by having clear borders. It has been an important part of worldwide efforts for lasting peace in the area.
    While the two-state solution is on the right track, it has a fatal flaw. In that it separates them, as if they do not already coexist. There is no reason that Israel alongside Palestine cannot form a governmental body that is similar to the US. Two states, One Nation. Offering equal representation to both the Palestinian People and the Israeli People. It would be in the best interests of both parties to form one nation for: self-defense, economic activities, even simple day-to-day travel. The point is it would make day-to-day life simpler and easier, for the people. Could you imagine having to pass a border checkpoint to visit your friend in America? I cannot, but for more than a few people in the world, this is just a Thing.
    For there to be a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, the world can not pick sides in this one. In my humble and utterly useless opinion, both the governments of Israel and Palestine are simply wrong. They have both neglected what their people wanted for their own gains, which unfortunately is something I see far too much worldwide as well as here at home. Witch is something that should never happen especially in a democracy, democracy was designed to disrupt the slave, master relationship people have with government. It is not meant to serve the few and their ambitions, but the meany, the people’s wellbeing. For there to be lasting peace both governments of Israel and Palestine must dissolve them self’s and reconstitute themselves as new government, to form a more perfect union of the Palestinian and Israeli people.
    With all that said, I think this path will have far more resistance from the few at the top who have spent their lives attempting to do what they are doing. It will be a difficult path but for the people it is a path that must be pushed for. The only question in my mind on this path is what do we call the new country?

    Peace is worth fighting and dying for.

  • China and preserving a mutually beneficial relationship has always been a priority, as it aims to avoid the dreadful prospects of a full-blown conflict. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that China's authoritarian regime stands in stark contrast to the principles and values that America has long pledged to uphold. To navigate this intricate landscape successfully, it becomes imperative for us to distinguish between the Chinese people and their government, fostering a harmonious equilibrium. Simultaneously, we must also stand firm in opposition to their governing body's actions and policies.One significant factor that is likely to impact China's future is its rapidly aging population and a shrinking workforce. This demographic shift will inevitably weigh on economic output, suppress innovation, and stress government services. In fact, the United Nations recently announced that India will overtake China as the world's largest population in 2023. With this change in status, China's economic growth is expected to slow down. The loss of their human capital will lead to a decline in productivity and potential challenges for the country's overall economic development.Economists predict a future slowdown beyond 2024 due to structural problems such as record levels of debt and a low birth rate. These issues have already started to affect China's economic prospects, and foreign investors have taken note by voting with their pocketbooks. It is evident that China's path ahead may become more erratic in the coming years as they try to address these challenges while maintaining economic stability.Recent events have also strained relations in the region, with Chinese fighter jets and warships simulating strikes on Taiwan and encircling the island, intensifying tensions further. In response, Notably, the United States Navy recognized the gravity of the situation and intervened by swiftly dispatching one of its own warships to the South China Sea on 10 April 2023, demonstrating its commitment to preserving peace and stability in the region. These incidents serve as a profound reminder of the delicate nature of the situation, emphasizing the urgent need for continued vigilance and proactive diplomatic efforts to ensure that tensions do not escalate into a full-blown conflict.the dynamics of China's position in the world are rapidly evolving. As China gradually loses its long-held status as the most populated country, it is inevitable that it will encounter numerous economic challenges and potentially exhibit unforeseen unpredictability. As leaders representing the interests of our constituents, it is of utmost importance to skillfully and astutely navigate the complexities of the U.S.-China relationship, while steadfastly maintaining a principled stance on issues that contravene our cherished democratic values. By fostering a comprehensive and balanced approach that embraces constructive dialogue and the pursuit of mutually beneficial outcomes, we can collectively strive towards a peaceful coexistence that not only benefits both nations but also serves as a catalyst for preserving global stability in this ever-evolving world order.

  • America is currently caught in the crossfire of an intense and ongoing information war with superpowers across the globe. This conflict has been unfolding for decades, perhaps even predating the outbreak of World War 1. It is an unfortunate reality of the superpower dynamic, as countries compete fiercely for influence and control. However, what sets the current situation apart is the unprecedented array of tools and technologies at our disposal in the 21st century.One of the key issues exacerbating this information war is the alarming increase in social media manipulation since 2017. Recent reports show that this manipulation has more than doubled, with a staggering 70 countries now actively engaging in the spread of misinformation online. This trend has significantly contributed to the current chaos and confusion, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to discern fact from fiction.there has been a concerted effort by certain nations, most notably China, to build a media and information superpower. China understands the power and influence that comes with controlling the narrative, both domestically and internationally. Through strategic investments and the promotion of state-run media outlets, they aim to shape global perceptions and advance their own interests.In addition to the manipulation of information, emerging technologies such as deepfakes pose a significant threat in the ongoing cyberwar. Deepfakes, artificial images or videos generated through advanced machine learning techniques, have the potential to deceive and manipulate audiences on an unprecedented scale. This technology allows for the creation of realistic and convincing but entirely fabricated content, further blurring the line between reality and fiction.It is essential to recognize that the battlefield of this information war extends beyond the traditional realms of physical conflict and military capabilities. As the National Cyber Power Index of 2022 reveals, the top 10 most powerful cyber nations include the United States, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Australia, the Netherlands, North Korea, and Vietnam. These nations possess the expertise and resources necessary to wage cyberwarfare and influence global narratives, making it crucial for America to remain vigilant and stay ahead in this ongoing struggle.In conclusion, America finds itself in the midst of a relentless information war, fueled by superpowers across the globe. The rise of social media manipulation, the pursuit of media and information dominance by certain nations, and the advent of disruptive technologies like deepfakes have only intensified this conflict. As a nation, we must recognize the gravity of this situation and take active measures to protect our democracy, promote media literacy, and ensure the integrity of our information ecosystems.

  • Iran has undeniably emerged as one of the most destabilizing influences in modern history. Not only do they harbor ambitions of acquiring nuclear weapons, but they also allocate a significant portion of their resources to fund terrorism in the Middle East and around the world. The consequences of their actions are far-reaching and tragic. Iran's unwavering support for conflict in Israel and Ukraine has caused the tragic loss of innocent lives. These regions have been greatly affected by Iran's involvement, causing immense pain and suffering for families and communities. Iran's intervention has only made these already unstable situations worse, hindering any potential for lasting peace. The international community must recognize and address this disturbing pattern of interference, Iran's support for conflicts undermines regional security and diplomacy. Leaders must acknowledge this and prioritize human lives for a peaceful future. The world needs to recognize that removing Iran's current government would make the world safer and wealthier. Iran shows what happens when religion is more important than the people's well-being. Their leaders, driven by their religious agenda, consistently place their ideological beliefs above the welfare and basic rights of the people they claim to represent. This blatant disregard for the well-being and freedom of their citizens is not only outrageous but also deeply concerning. To ensure a brighter future, it is imperative that we confront this pressing issue head-on and implement measures aimed at fostering harmony, equality, and the overall welfare of all individuals within these nations. By prioritizing the promotion of peace and stability, we can pave the way for true progress and safeguard the fundamental rights that should be afforded to every person, regardless of their religious affiliation.

  • Starting in February 2014, a debilitating conflict erupted between Russia and Ukraine, which ignited a series of events that have dramatically reshaped the region. Russia swiftly seized control of Crimea and provided support to pro-Russian factions engaged in the Donbas war against the Ukrainian military. The Ukrainian government faced internal turmoil as protests ousted their pro-Russian president, resulting in unrest across Eastern and Southern Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russian forces boldly infiltrated Crimea, establishing dominance over strategically vital locations. In a controversial move, Crimea was later annexed by Russia following a deeply disputed vote.Notably, separatist forces in the Donbas region, enjoying substantial backing from Russia, declared independence in April 2014. Despite Russia's denial of involvement, evidence suggested their troops actively participated in the conflict. A glimmer of hope emerged in February 2015 when Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement intended to bring an end to the hostilities. Sadly, this agreement failed to achieve its desired outcome, leading to a prolonged state of intermittent ceasefires, rather than a lasting peace or significant territorial changes.Considering the gravity of the situation, it is paramount that we, as the United States, unequivocally support Ukraine in their relentless pursuit of independence from Russian influence. As a nation, we must stand steadfastly beside them, providing the necessary resources to defend themselves against further aggression. It is high time we reassess our current approach and empower Ukraine to adopt a more assertive strategy, enabling them to safeguard their well-deserved independence.By bolstering Ukraine's offensive capabilities, we not only enhance their ability to protect their sovereignty but also send a resolute message to Russia that their provocative acts will not be tolerated. This stance firmly expresses our unwavering commitment to democracy, self-determination, and the promotion of fundamental human rights. Moreover, in collaboration with our steadfast allies, we can forge a united front to support Ukraine and effectively deter any future acts of Russian aggression.Strategically investing in Ukraine will strengthen their resilience and create a deterrent against further incursions by Russia. It is time to adopt a new set of tactics and wholeheartedly support Ukraine's right to self-defense, effectively demonstrating that freedom and liberty will perpetually triumph over tyranny. Let us unite in this important cause and stand alongside Ukraine as they navigate the path towards a stable and secure future.

  • The list of wars Russia has been involved in since the fall of the Soviet Union is quite extensive, demonstrating the country's persistent military engagement beyond its borders. In Moldova, Russia's involvement in the conflict in Transnistria since 1992 showcases the longstanding tensions that have simmered for decades in the region. Similarly, in Georgia, Russia's presence has left its mark in Abkhazia and South Ossetia since 2008, further exacerbating territorial disputes and causing political instability.However, it is Ukraine where Russia's involvement has perhaps garnered the most attention. The annexation of Crimea in 2014 remains a significant point of contention, as it not only deepened the divide between Russia and Ukraine but also triggered ongoing conflict in parts of Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts. The repercussions of Russia's expansion into these territories continue to be felt to this day. Furthermore, recent years have witnessed Russia's expansion into parts of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblasts, adding fuel to an already volatile situation. This further exacerbates tensions in the region and raises concerns among neighboring countries who fear the potential consequences of Russia's continued expansion. Beyond military involvement, Russia has also developed a track record of skillfully utilizing corrupt networks throughout Europe and Eurasia to exert its influence. Moscow has leveraged these connections to foster alliances with businesses closely aligned with the Kremlin, strengthening its grip over the region. By advancing the prospects of Russia-friendly politicians, bureaucrats, and business magnates in neighboring countries, Moscow further solidifies its control while also using its deep-rooted Soviet-era relations with intelligence and military officials to advance its own strategic objectives within these nations. Altogether, these various conflicts and tactics paint a complex and concerning picture of Russia's military involvement and power projection since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. As we analyze the implications of these actions, it becomes crucial to develop comprehensive strategies to address and mitigate the consequences of Russia's pursuits beyond its borders. The stability and security of the region depend on our ability to navigate the complexities of this situation and uphold the principles of peace and international cooperation. In recent times, Russia has become increasingly assertive in its pursuit of reestablishing its influence and reshaping the United States in a completely new way. Their intentions seem to echo the tensions of the Cold War era, aiming to reignite a global standoff. It is of utmost importance that we firmly oppose these actions. We must be ready to take whatever measures are necessary, whether it involves investing in politicians who align with Putin's ideology around the world or allowing large-scale hacking endeavors to protect our interests. Russia's systematic efforts have one singular goal—to spread unrest and instability across various regions worldwide. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is a clear example of this strategy, as it serves no purpose other than to rebuild and resurrect the Soviet Union in a modern form known as the New USSR. We cannot allow these dangerous ambitions to go unchecked. It is our duty to stand against Russia's tactics and safeguard the stability and security of our own nation and the world as a whole.

  • Trade agreements are important for Americans and the economy. They also help with international relations and solving global challenges. The U.S. Trade Representative is responsible for managing these agreements and making sure our trade partners follow the rules. The United States is an active member of the World Trade Organization, which has 154 nations. We are involved in ongoing negotiations, like the Doha Development Round, which could help with the global economic crisis and promote economic growth worldwide.With numerous trade agreements in place, the United States strives to simplify trade processes and eliminate barriers. These agreements span across various forms, from bilateral agreements with individual countries to multilateral deals involving multiple nations. A prime example occurred in 2023 when the United States and Japan agreed to trade minerals, showcasing the constant effort to expand and diversify our trade relationships.the United States employs various frameworks, such as the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, to establish platforms to address and resolve trade and investment issues proactively. By utilizing Bilateral Investment Treaties, our nation protects investments and encourages the promotion of U.S. exports, further strengthening our international trade position.However, in this changing global economy, it is crucial to establish a fair and balanced trade system that treats all countries equally. While advancing our own interests, we must also strive for a world where everyone can prosper. By prioritizing teamwork, fostering mutually beneficial gains, and collectively pursuing prosperity, we can lay the foundation for a sustainable future.To achieve this vision, open dialogue and clear communication are imperative. To achieve fairness in global trade, we need to openly talk about and tackle the root causes of inequality. By working together, we can create a system that benefits all nations involved. It's important to collaborate and navigate the complexities of the global market so that our country is not taken advantage of while we engage in international trade.While embracing the principles of the free market, we must also prioritize the well-being of our citizens over maximizing profits. Striking a balance between open trade and protecting our country's interests is vital in creating a fair global trading system that benefits everyone involved. It is crucial that we recognize the interconnectedness of our economy with those around the world and work towards implementing policies that not only promote economic growth but also uphold our values of fairness. By doing so, we can foster sustainable economic growth, strengthen international relationships, and pave the way for a positive future that leaves no one behind.

  • Small countries should consider creating regional government organizations like the EU. The EU was formed by countries working together and is now a major organization. It started after World War II and has grown to include many areas of policy. It has institutions and countries working together to make decisions. The EU promotes peace and cooperation among its members and is a model for other regions. The underlying principle is that by coming together and pooling their resources and expertise, less prosperous countries can effectively address the significant challenges faced by their respective regions in a unified and strategic manner. Moreover, this collaborative style of governance would not only lead to addressing these challenges more efficiently but also foster a sense of peace and stability in any region where such a government is established. When we specifically look at the Asia-Pacific region, it becomes evident that adopting a regional government framework would immensely benefit nations in countering the growing influence of the Chinese government. As the Chinese government expands its economic and geopolitical reach, it is crucial for neighboring countries to establish a united front in order to protect their interests and maintain their own sovereignty. By forming a regional government, countries in the Asia-Pacific region can collectively stand up to any potential threats posed by China and ensure their own security and stability. this form of forming regional governments,This form of forming regional governments organizations could be meticulously adapted and implemented worldwide, enabling America to strategically adopt a less invasive stance in global affairs. By fostering collaboration among regional players, this approach would create a conducive environment for effective problem-solving and decision-making, ensuring that the diverse needs and perspectives of different regions are taken into account. Moreover, such a model could facilitate the sharing of best practices, resources, and expertise among regions, promoting efficient governance and sustainable development on a global scale.

Resources for running for office:


To run for office, you must visit the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and your state's election authority.

Have a disability?

NCIL’s non-partisan Elevate: Campaign Training for People with Disabilities

The websites of the Democratic and Republican parties are useful for people who want to run for public office.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
— H. L. Mencken